The graduate course “Edge-cutting Issues in Genomic Analysis” in this semester will discuss some commonly used issues in genomic analyses, including theory and practice in software. The course contents include GWAS, Genomic Selection (GBLUP, ssGBLUP), eQTL, Gene network reconstruction, et al. The course teacher, Prof. Wang comes from University of Alberta, Canada, and he is an experienced expert in statistical genomics and breeding practice. You are welcome!
本学期研究生课程《Edge-cutting Issues in Genomic Analysis》将学习GWAS、基因组预测、eQTL、基因网络重建等基因组分析内容的理论与软件实现。主讲教师Prof. Wang来自加拿大阿尔伯特大学,他是统计基因组学与家畜育种领域的著名专家。欢迎选课学习。
如有疑问可联系:永利集团304am官方入口永利集团304am官方入口 付楠 87281255
课程课表 Schedule
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
October 25 |
October 26 |
October 27 |
October 28 |
October 29 |
October 30 |
October 31 |
Afternoon 5-8 Evening 9-11 The First Complex Building B114 |
Morning 1-4 Evening 9-11 The First Complex Building B114 |
Afternoon 5-8 Evening 9-10 The First Complex Building B114 |
Afternoon 7-8 The First Complex Building B114 |
Morning 3-4 Afternoon 7-8 The First Complex Building B114 |
Afternoon 5-8 The First Complex Building B114 |
Morning 3-4 The First Complex Building B114 |